This episode continues our discussion in the Philippines. Most of the 4th Marines were positioned on Corregidor, a small, tadpole-shaped island in the mouth of Manila Bay. Japan's domination of air and sea cut off food and supplies to the peninsula's defenders. By April 1942, many troops had lost as much as a third…
World War II: Defense of the Philippines - Part 1
World War II: Attack in the Pacific - Guam 1941
World War II: Attack in the Pacific - Part 2: Battle of Wake Island
World War II: Attack in the Pacific - Part 1
World War II: Marines at Pearl Harbor
World War II: Introduction - Part 2
We cover a lot in this episode, including the fall of many neutral countries, Italy and Japan officially aligning with Germany, and preparations made by the Corps before the US officially entered the war. On December 8th, President Roosevelt delivered his famous "Day of Infamy speech." It's included…